I've found a couple of items of interest regarding filmaker Derek Jarman.
One, a review of a new book called Derek Jarman's Angelic Conversations.
And this blog post by actor Clint Catalyst, who is starring in a new film premiering at Sundance, called Delphinium, about Derek Jarman's childhood and early artistic life. As is the way of filmmaking these days, Delphinium also has a Facebook page.
The title of the film comes from the last line of the text for Jarman's film Blue: "I place a delphinium, blue, upon your grave." Jarman was a passionate gardener (Derek Jarman's Garden is a fascinating and beautiful book) and discusses flowers often in his book Chroma.
Jarman was strongly influenced by various experimental filmmakers, especially Pier Paolo Pasolini and Rainer Werner Fassbinder, as well as Maya Deren, Max Ophuls, and Jean Cocteau.
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